Pastor Franklin Mitchell Sr.
Pastor Franklin Mitchell Sr was born in Monroe, Louisiana to J.C. and Rosie K. Mitchell. The last child of
twelve, he received his education in the Monroe City School System. He accepted Christ as his Savoir in
July 1978 at The Greater Flower Mount Baptist Church under the leadership of the late Pastor B.R.
Butcher Sr. He later joined the Greater Free Gift Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Rodney
McFarland Sr. While serving at Greater Free Gift, he was ordained as a deacon in which he later became
Chairman of The Deacon Ministry. As Chairman of The Deacon Ministry, he worked closely with Pastor
McFarland. Through God’s direction, Pastor McFarland approached him to serve as Chairman of Layman
of The Old-Line District Association. He worked with his Pastor, other Pastors, and Deacons across the
city and surrounding areas.
God laid it on Pastor Mitchell’s heart to preach the Gospel. In an attempt to run from his calling, he and
his family moved to Dallas, Texas. At that time, he joined The Greater Ideal Baptist Church under the
leadership of the late Dr. L.D. Thomas. With the pressing of his calling upon him heavily, he accepted his
calling in 1998 through the teaching and guidance of Pastor Thomas.
Pastor Mitchell preached his first sermon on February 14, 1999. While serving at The Greater Ideal
Baptist Church, he served on the building committee in which they oversaw the building of their new
church building.
As God continued to purpose Pastor Mitchell’s path, he joined the Ervay Cedar Baptist Church under the
leadership of Dr. T.L. Brown where he served in both the Sunday School and The Brotherhood
Ministries. While serving at Ervay Cedar, Pastor Mitchell decided to further his education in Biblical
Studies and Theology at Faith Bible Institute.
Under the direction of The Holy Spirit, Pastor Mitchell was led to True Vine of Holiness Missionary
Baptist Church. In March of 2013, he united with True Vine under the leadership of Dr. Wendell Blair Sr.
While at True Vine, he served in many capacities.
On February 22, 2022, Pastor Mitchell along with a group of members established The Grace From
Heaven Baptist Church in which he currently serves as proud Pastor.
Pastor Mitchell is married to Sis. Terri Mitchell. He has four biological children: Darius, Delano,
Mulayshia, and Franklin Jr. He also raised five children as his own: Nyeshia, Reyna, Ryan, Quintarius, and Quintaria.